Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Mother's Day 2016

We had a great time this past weekend, not just because it was Mother's day, but because we all were together again. On Friday afternoon, the kids and I went to pick up Derrick from the airport. They were so excited to see him and could hardly wait until he came out:
All weekend long, it was hot and sunny and so we spent lots of time playing outside, cleaning out the garage and cooling off under the sprinkler. 
While we did had to pack some and organize a bit for our upcoming move, most time was spent hanging out together and playing with the children. 
Sunday was Mother's Day and while we didn't had any specific plans, I enjoyed this special day very much. Amelia and Elliot made me on Friday at the library some special Mother's Day cards. 
And on Sunday morning, my table was covered with painted pictures, cards and paper flowers. I loved  it.
My husband's card is so true and sometimes I need to be reminded that my fairy tale is right here:
Next to my husband, these two are the loves of my life. 
I can't even remember the days before I had children. What did we do on the weekends or after work? Life must have been boring as nothing compares to the chaos, fun, craziness and love these children bring in to my life. Some days may be rough and seem to last forever, but the children grow up so quickly that soon it will seem that these hectic years of toddlerhood were way too short and I would give anything to have them back. Thus, this Mother's Day I made a promise to myself to find more joy in these long, ordinary and hectic days and savor them as special instead of rushing thru them. Because I feel blessed to be their mother and lucky to spend my days at home with these two amazing kids.
To finish the weekend off, we all went to eat some snocones (I treated myself to some real ice cream instead) before we had to drop Daddy off at the airport.
I thank my mommy for always being there for us and giving her all to her children.You still inspire me and I hope one day to be as good as a mother to my children as you are to us.  Happy Mother's Day!!!

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