Thursday, May 12, 2016

Picture Roundup

I accumulated some pictures over the past few weeks I have never posted so I wanted to do it today. Just pictures from our ordinary days: going to the playground. playing in the backyard, etc. Last week, it rained a bit and every time it does, my kids are delighted to wear their rain gear (it only drizzled but they still wore their rain coats). My backseat driver looking all cute:
We went to the library last Tuesday afternoon and when we came out, a fire truck was parked next to our car. The kids wanted to see it and waited for the firemen to return. They gave some helmets to the kids and let them sit inside the truck as well as out front. The firefighters and policemen in this area are always happy to let the kids see their trucks and gear. 
A couple of weeks ago, I was reading stories to all the kids at Amelia's preschool. First up where the 1 and 2 years old and then next the 3 and 4 years old. It was so much and I truly enjoyed reading, singing and using my hand puppets with the children. 
In April when it was a bit colder and windier, we took the kite out and let it fly as high as we could.
It is no secret that Elliot loves riding his green motorcycle but lately he also enjoys the scooter (which I bought for him but Amelia has been using). He seems to be a natural when it comes to outdoor activities and sports. Here, it's only his second try and he does better than his sister because he has no fear. 
On Monday, while Elliot was at a friend's house having fun, I walked with Amelia's class to the local ice-cream shop for a tasting. 
 Amelia chose Vanilla ice-cream.

Did I mention that my little guy loves to eat?! He can devour half a pizza (8 inches) in one setting, eat an entire bowl of guacamole (and lick it clean) and lately, loves cleaning of the bones from our baby back ribs. A boy through and through!
And here is one last pictures from yesterday. It is not pretty but real life. I met a friend at the park in the morning for a walk and while Elliot had his motorcycle to ride on or his wagon to sit in, he decided he'd rather likes to cry and I could carry him around...all while I was already worn out from not sleeping 
As you can imagine, life has been a bit out of whack lately with Daddy being out of town and us preparing to move next week. Hopefully all will calm down once we are settled in Nashville and reunited as a family of 4. 

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