Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Goodbye Kindergarten, Hello First Grade

Today is a bittersweet day for me as it was Amelia's last day of Kindergarten. Sweet that summer break is upon us with late nights, lazy mornings, pool days and beach trips. But sad that my firstborn's first year of school came and went with a blink of the eye and even sadder knowing that this is just the first of many more years that will pass too quickly. Over the past 9 months, my little girl has not only grown in size but also her personality, social skills, wisdom and confidence have flourished. 
    First Day and                             Last Day of Kindergarten
Due to our move, she had the privilege of getting to be part of two Kindergarten classes and being taught by two great Kindergarten teachers. There was not one child Amelia did not like or did not get along with and her teachers always commented on what a joy it is to teach this sweet and bright child. I might be biased as her mother, but she truly is a joy to be around and her love for learning is endless. May this always be the case! 
Mrs. Wyatt                                    Mrs. Griffin
Her grades this year have been excellent but we are more proud of the person she is becoming and the fact that Amelia does not differentiate among people and treats everyone the same, with a smile and a helpful hand. These are the qualities we try to instill at home and will lead her to success later on in life. In this house, good work is rewarded with a treat:
Her first year in elementary school was filled with lots of fun adventures (field trip, field days), class parties, special events (book parade, 100 days of school, crazy hair day), music performances and tons of laughter and new friendships. Here is a little collage of all the fun Amelia has had:
The Kindergartners finished the year off with a pizza party, reading awards and a firetruck spraying down the kids. Even though it was much cooler and wetter than anticipated, the kids didn't mind. 
Here is the video of the fun they had: 
Due to the weather these past two weeks, the children had to postpone their field trip, the field day and the firetruck got almost canceled this morning. I'm just glad I was able to be there for today's event as I had to miss out on the other two due to scheduling conflicts.  A class picture from their field day last week:
A last lunch with her classmates: 
Amelia got a reading award, which is no surprise as she loves to read:
And with that, we have a 1st grader in the house (and its only fitting that her first tooth is loose and 4 new molars are coming in). We are so proud of our star student and all her accomplishments this year. I know that many of the memories Amelia made this year will fade with the passage of time but she will always build on the important things she learned in kindergarten such as reading, writing, and socializing with others. Amelia, may 1st grade be as exciting to you as Kindergarten was and we pray that you never get tired of learning and meeting new people. 

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