Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Life Lately

I can't believe it is May already...these last few weeks flew by. We have been busy with adjusting to the new house, new job, new school albeit while still working on some house renovations and living life.  After 4 full weeks at work, I must say I love it. I enjoy going to the office, learning new things, being challenged by new requests daily, to have adult conversations, and to feel useful and productive (I know I was productive at home too but it is different to see actual work being accomplished). My husband noticed an increase in my chatter and overall happiness, which means I do like what I'm doing. Of course, I'm also more tired at night and it feels like I constantly play catch up at home but only till we settle in to a good routine. Everyone else is doing well too: Elliot enjoys spending time with Ms. Janet and she spoils him by bringing him little treats while Amelia loves going to school. According to her teacher she adjusted well to her new class and is a joy to have as a student.
"Look at me all dressed up!"
My little goofball
On the weekends, we like to take the kids out to our favorite park or play outside in our yard. So a couple of weekends ago we left the house early and in between rain showers to get a walk in (I ran 2.5 miles while Derrick and the kids explored the trail and soccer fields). The kids were all excited to play in the puddles.
While it didn't start raining (pouring cats and dogs actually) till we were back in the car, we did had a little problem once we got back home. We forgot to unlock the second lock on our front door (we left thru the garage but had no opener in the car) to which I have no key and so locked ourselves out. Derrick had a spare key in his car, which was parked and locked in front of our house. After calling two different locksmiths and waiting for 2+ hours in the car with half naked children (as their clothes were soaked from the park), we had nothing to do but enjoy extra quality time with each other.
Once the locksmith arrived, it took him less than 2 minutes in the pouring rain and a check for $140 to unlock Derrick's car door.
Not exactly how we imagined to spend our Saturday morning but we made the best out of it and had a good laugh. At least the next day when we went to the park again, we made sure to have two sets of keys with us and a spare in my car. You never know when you need that extra key 😃  

We also dressed the kids in better rain gear on Sunday morning before letting them jump thru every puddle (we live and we learn!).
Last weekend it was beautiful outside and while Derrick and I worked in the yard Amelia and Elliot loved digging for worms.
Hard at work (the backyard is a work in progress and it will take us all year to take down the pool, deck and refinish the lawn):
I also found some time and finally sewed the pillowcase for Amelia she has asked me to make. This girl loves My Little Pony and was delighted to have a new cover for her big pillow.
Fun in the big tub:
A couple of days ago I received the best card ever: A love note from my 5 year old girl.
"Love Amelia
I Love you mommy
You make us so happy"

"I love you Mommy
You are the best mom ever
You make us happy
You make us food and we love it."
I especially loved the food part as she was having a fit at the dinner table the night before and got sent to bed early :) I love her so much!

And my boy sang me a love song he made up on the fly: "Mommy is the best". So precious!
Even though parenting is tough and sometimes I feel like I don't do a good job at all, this is evidence that I must be doing some things right. These moments, the unexpected not picture perfect, are truly the best and I will treasure them forever. And despite how busy we are or how much happened during the past two months, being together and loving each other is what keeps us going and makes us stronger as a family. Life lately is hectic and busy but I'm learning to soak up the small, seemingly insignificant moments as these may become the most important ones in our memories. 

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