Monday, October 31, 2016

Fall Activities

We have been busy with Fall activities for the past 3 days. On Saturday morning, we went to a Street Festival on Main Street, where we spent all our time at the Kids Zone: bean bag toss, Plinko, CornHole but best of all was the big bounce house, where Amelia and Elliot were bouncing and sliding down for at least 30 minutes before they got their faces painted. 
After a good nap, we spent the rest of the afternoon outside. While the boys worked on the boat, we girls carved our two mini pumpkins. 
Like Father like son
This year, Amelia didn't mind touching the pumpkin guts, which was a major improvement. The kids decided the designs and I was allowed to carve them. BOO!
The next morning, I had planned to take our family pictures in the park while there were still leaves on the tree. Even though it is almost November, we are still having temperatures in the mid 80s here, which is way too warm for this time of year and I'm so ready for cooler temps to stick around longer than one day. Nonetheless, the photo shoot (read: a ladder, books, sweets to bribe the crew and a timer on my camera) went pretty well and we got our Christmas Card picture in the books. 
The rest of the morning, Amelia and Elliot spent making Monster Treat Bags at Michaels and getting arm tattoos before going trick-or-treating thru the store. It was a fun, free event.  
After a quick solo shopping trip to Target, the kids and I headed to another yet Fall Festival at a local church. Both kids enjoyed Trunk-or-Treat there and we even saw Amelia's teacher, Ms.Wyatt. Because it was so hot, Elliot only wore half of his costume and Amelia opted for a Snow White dress.
The local fire department had a truck there for the kids to inspect and climb in as well as a little fire truck train to ride on. 
All three of us went on a hay wagon ride before we grabbed a hot dog and then headed home.
And tonight is Halloween and my two little ones are super excited to go out trick-or-treating around the neighborhood - not that we need any more candy. So far, the kids collected already a big bowl of candy and I hope plenty of kids show up tonight, otherwise we are stuck with lots of organic lollipops and fruit snacks. Luckily, our dentist buys back candies for $1 per lb to send to the armed forces overseas, so we will gladly bring some of our Halloween candies there on Wednesday. Be safe and have fun tonight!

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