Monday, September 19, 2016

Blog-tember Challenge: Day 19- Posts from the Past

Happy Monday! The weekend went by way too fast but hopefully the week passes by equally as fast. Today's prompt in the #blogtemberchallenge is: A list of your favorite blogposts you have written.

  1. ABC's of Motherhood  My compilation of what motherhood's means to me in 26 letters.
  2. Treasures  Read about why we took a year off from the hectic lifestyle to
  3. Christmas Gift Ideas  Last Christmas I compiled a list of some toys that foster creativity and imagination. 
  4. 25th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall  Paying Tribute to the end of the Cold War and the Fall of the Berlin Wall
  5. 5 years and loving him more and more  A tribute to my hubby on our 5th wedding anniversary.
  6. Our First Boating Trip  Making new family memories on the lake
  7. Happy 5th Birthday, Amelia  My little girl turns 5!

Since I wrote over 240 posts in the past 2 years, it was not easy to choose just a few. But these 7 are a good mix of family adventures and personal stories and definitely favorites of mine.

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